Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to deal with exam stress and anxiety

How to deal with exam stress and anxiety The exam season for most students can be a very stressful period. Some students manage to pass their exams with just a tinge of stress, while others suffer from constant crippling anxiety, accompanied with heart palpitations, upset stomachs and very sweaty hands. And, they think that no matter how many times they revise, they still have not learned anything. If you are one of them, you have come to the right place. Here are ten tips on how to deal with your exam stress: Get good sleep  Even though sleeping might be the last thing on your mind when you are in your exam period, it is crucial for your body and mind to sleep in order to function properly. You might think that the more you stay up all night to study the better, but, it is actually the opposite. A good night’s sleep will help you memorize better. Get some good rest during the days following your exams. Drink water and eat properly One of the most important mistakes that students do is forget to hydrate or eat while they study for their exams. If you can’t seem to remember to eat or drink water, you should try making up an alarm every hour reminding you to hydrate and take a break to eat. Take breaks from studying Not only do you need breaks to eat and function like a normal human being, you brain also needs a break from all the information that is getting inside. Try relaxing for fifteen minutes, or go to the outdoors for a breath of fresh air. That would make you more relaxed and less stressed. Do some physical activity Exercise of any kind, running or swimming, will give you endorphins which make you happy and much more calm. It also gives you much more energy than any coffee can give you. Talk to someone If you are getting ready for exams, chances are that you have not left your room in a while. In order for you to be less anxious, maybe you should try talking to someone close, a friend or family, to take your mind off of the upcoming exams. Sometimes, even venting to someone about the stress you are feeling can be somewhat relieving. Do your favorite hobbies If you are quite certain that you have done all the revising that there is to be done for the day, try to wind down with one of your favorite hobbies. Watch a movie, read a book, or even cook something. Don’t drink too much coffee before the actual exam The rush of energy that the caffeine gives might sound tempting, but too much coffee before your exam would just make you more anxious and nervous. Coffee can upset your stomach even more before the exam, which will add to the stress you are feeling. Try thinking positive and relaxing thoughts This is one of the hardest things you could try to do while sitting on an exam table, but those positive thoughts will only do you good. You would remember better and you would not be having a hard time trying to collect your thoughts. Don’t get distracted by your social media If you are having trouble concentrating on your studies and it’s increasing your stress, try decreasing the number of times you open your phone to check your Instagram, Facebook or any other social media account that you have. Put your phone away as far as possible and focus on studying. Remember the last time you had an exam It is crucial for you to remember your last exam season, because then you will remember that it all went down smoothly and you were worrying for nothing. If it did not go smoothly, as yourself what went wrong and try to do things differently this time around.

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