Monday, December 2, 2019

Why You Must Understand Your Company Culture Before You Hire - Spark Hire

Why You Must Understand Your Company Culture Before You Hire - Spark HireWhen you have a hole to fill on your team, its easy to want to get the hiring process moving as quickly as possible. However, its important to take a minute to stop and consider the kind of candidate you want to bring on board before you make a final decision. This ensures that the part you select will contribute positively to your organization, and that theyll stick around because they fit well within your office.Determining company culture before hiringOne way that you can make a hiring decision that lasts is by analyzing the culture found within your office before you even begin to conduct interviews. This helps you to get a clearer picture about the kind of person who would do best in the open position. There are a few questions you can ask yourself in order to get a sense of the company culture found within your office. They includeHow does your team work together? Do they collaborate frequently, or is it m ora of an independent working environment?Is the office typically quiet or filled with chatter?Whats the process like when it comes to changing policies within the office? Does one person make the decision or does the group get together and weigh in on the best way to proceed?Answering these questions (remember, theres no right or wrong response to any of the inquiries) helps a hiring manager to better understand the kind of office they have, allowing them to search for the ideal candidate mora effectively.Understand that its not just about the job descriptionYes, you need someone to perform a list of specific duties in order to keep company productivity on track. However, there are probably things that youll need a new employee to do that arent necessarily within their job description. For example, theyll have to be able to get along well with their colleagues, and may need to help others brainstorm new ideas. You may also need to ensure that they interact with clients well, depend ing on the kind of business you operate. Consider these subtle requirements as youre making a hiring decision.Think about personality as well as experienceWhile a persons resume and background matter, ultimately personality plays a major role in whether or not this individual will enjoy success within your company too. A team member can have all of the experience necessary to excel, but if they are constantly picking fights with colleagues, youll probably find that you regret your hiring decision. Its much better to choose someone who requires more training but brings positivity and enthusiasm to the office each day.What other points do you consider as you get ready to bring a new team member on board? Let us know in the commentsImage tang90246/

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